Welcome to Kiap-TU-Wish

Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Making western Wisconsin’s coldwater streams
cleaner, healthier, and more fishable.


Kiap-TU-Wish advocates conserving Wisconsin’s habitat
for wild trout, such as brook and brown trout.


We advocate for policies and programs that enhance
populations of Wisconsin’s wild brook and brown trout.


Kiap-TU-Wish uses a number of different approaches
to improve stream flows and trout habitat.


Being a Kiap-TU-Wish chapter member is
much more than just paying your annual dues.

Want to Join the Kiap-TU-Wish Chapter of Trout Unlimited?

Become a TU Member Today.

The Drift: Musings of our President

The Drift: Musings of our President

The Drift:Musings of our presidentWell, here we are. Our summer season is nearing its end. I'm not quite sure how to describe this past summer though. Looking back it seems to me that June was pretty blustery but throughout summer's course we had...

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Mason Dado, WDNR Summer Intern

Mason Dado, WDNR Summer Intern

Mason Dado,WDNR Summer Intern My summer’s internship has been a great experience for gaining knowledge and understanding of how fisheries work is done in the Department of Natural Resources. It has shown me different lanes and applications needed...

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Open House and Gear Swap

Open House and Gear Swap

We kick off the KIAP calendar year with an Open House and Gear Swap at Rush River Brewery in River Falls.  The event will start at 6 pm on Thursday, September 5th (note- the remainder of our chapter meeting will be the first Tuesday of the...

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Skip’s Loose Threads

Skip’s Loose Threads

Skip’s Loose ThreadsBy Skip James My favorite trout fishing partner for many years was Merrimon Hipps, known to all as Mike. Like me, he was a professional musician, a trumpet player in the Minnesota Orchestra. We traveled out West many times...

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Habitat Update

Habitat Update

Habitat Update: Activities in Fall through Winter 2023- 2024 This past season I posted MailChimp notices for 33 events encouraging individuals to get involved with boots on the ground habitat related projects.  Volunteers participated in 3...

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The Unintentional Collector

The Unintentional Collector

The Unintentional Collector by Bob White A good story cannot be devised; it has to be distilled.  - Raymond Chandler Bamboo fly rods, like most of the important things in my life, seem to happen to me when I least expect them.  "Dave's...

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Rip Rap – September 2024

Rip Rap – September 2024

The Drift:Musings of our president Well, here we are. Our summer season is nearing its end. I'm not quite sure how to describe this past summer though. Looking back it seems to me that June was pretty blustery but throughout summer's course we...

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Views From My Side of the Vise

Views From My Side of the Vise

Views From My Side of the Vise: September 2024 By Paul Johnson Are you a fan of social media? Do you actively participate or do you just attempt to keep somewhat current with everything going on? There are many times that I have contemplated...

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To protect, reconnect, and restore the coldwater fisheries and their watersheds in Polk, Pierce, and St. Croix Counties of Wisconsin and to insure access to fishable coldwater streams.

The Kiap-TU-Wish Chapter, Trout Unlimited welcomes you. We work tirelessly to conserve coldwater fisheries. Our members avidly fish western Wisconsin’s bountiful lakes, streams, and rivers. We work with communities to protect what we cherish. 

Learn More >               Volunteer >              Donate >

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